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ItemsAdder, MMOItems, Oraxen Supported! Find Crates By Mining | Save Items From In-Game To Rewards

Only $9.85 $20.00

Free Lifetime Updates And Support Included
  • Added a crate rewards preview command to the plugin. /sc preview cratename {player} - player optional
Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
by PM2, 15 days, 22 hours ago.
  • Changed it so multicrate's don't "push" the player if they don't have the needed key to open the crate
Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
by PM2, 1 month, 21 days, 19 hours ago.
  • Fixed "Can't open a CRAFTING inventory!" console error
Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
by PM2, 2 months, 4 days, 16 hours ago.
  • Fixed shift opening crates opening too many crates making rewards drop on the ground
  • Fixed key removing issue
Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
by PM2, 2 months, 21 days, 9 hours ago.
  • Fixed 1.20.2 adding new items causing plugin to disable
Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
by PM2, 5 months, 18 days, 8 hours ago.
  • Added 1.20.2 support
Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
by PM2, 6 months, 12 days ago.
  • Fixed creating a new crate console error and disappearing after a restart for 1.13
  • Fixed takekey virtual key flag "-v" not working as intended
Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
by PM2, 8 months, 23 days, 2 hours ago.
  • Fixed issue with placeholders not working for DecentHolograms and CMI ( reminder available placeholders: %specializedcrates_virtual_keys_[cratename]% %specializedcrates_total_virtual_keys% %specializedcrates_virtual_crates_[cratename]% %specializedcrates_cooldown_[cratename]% %specializedcrates_placedcrates% %specializedcrates_last_crate_opened% %specializedcrates_last_crate_opened_rewards% %specializedcrates_last_player_[cratename]% %specializedcrates_last_reward_[cratename]% %specializedcrates_virtual_keys_total% %specializedcrates_last_reward_name_[cratename]% )
  • Fixed console error when player disconnects
Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
by PM2, 9 months, 29 days, 4 hours ago.
Showing 8 most recent updates...

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Instantly. Once payment is completed, you will receive access to download this plugin on here for lifetime.

Where else can I purchase these plugins?

They are only available for purchase on this website only.

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